AdventureNEXT Fiji - Marketplace Registration

Tourism Fiji

AdventureNEXT Fiji is a business-to-business conference focused on the adventure travel industry, offering educational content tailored to current business needs and trends. The event will feature inspiring keynote speakers and workshops designed to address regional issues, helping delegates professionalize and expand their adventure product offerings. Tourism suppliers have the exciting opportunity to participate in the marketplace, enabling them to engage in B2B meetings with invited international trade representatives and media.

AdventureNEXT Fiji is a business-to-business conference focused on the adventure travel industry, offering educational content tailored to current business needs and trends. The event will feature inspiring keynote speakers and workshops designed to address regional issues, helping delegates professionalize and expand their adventure product offerings. Tourism suppliers have the exciting opportunity to participate in the marketplace, enabling them to engage in B2B meetings with invited international trade representatives and media.

InterContinental Fiji Golf Resort & Spa

20/11/2024 - 22/11/2024